
Ethernautica is an actual play podcast featuring actual gameplay of a Space 1889/Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG.

The Encroaching Dark

Welcome to Ethernautica! In Episode 7 of Season 2, our party continue their investigations of Marble Towers as the night creeps in…

Set in an amalgam of Neo-Victorian and Lovecraftian worlds, combining the genres of Steampunk and Cosmic Horror, ETHERNAUTICA seeks to create a world of retro science fiction in a strange and exciting universe of both eldritch monstrosities and grand pulp adventure!

ETHERNAUTICA is a tabletop role-playing podcast that contains actual play of a home-brew game using the Cortex Classic game system. The game universe is an amalgam of the universe of the steampunk adventure game, Space: 1889, mixed with the creatures, beings and mythos from Call of Cthulhu.

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